Shippensburg Borough Authority
Shippensburg Borough
Mr. Hershey was the project manager and responsible engineer for the Baltimore Road Waterline Extension – Well No. 3 Interconnect project. The project involved the design and construction of 3,700 linear feet of 12” ductile iron cement-lined water main.
Highlights of the project include:
- Survey
- Hydraulic modeling
- Waterline Sizing and Alignment
- Wetlands Presence/Absence, Delineation and Permitting
- Bog Turtle and Spadefoot Toad Permitting requiring US Fish and Wildlife Service and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission coordination
- Design and Permitting of Jack and Bore under Wetlands
- Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) Plans
- Requisite PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permitting
- Resident Project Representative (RPR) Observation services